Puerto Parrot Agents

Parrot agents

You can make money as a Parrot agent! Earn a 25% commission. 

Here is how it works;

A Parrot agent is responsible for city services, business index, classified ads and (city) events in his or her region /city.

As more services, businesses, classified ads and events you add to the page, as more "traffic" (visitors / clicks) we got on the page. That means, when the page have many traffic, then business owners are more interested to buy a banner ad. From every banner ad you bring, you get 25%! (also everytime they reload it!) The banner ads shown up automatically when you go to the internet in your region.

How to do the city services, business index, classified ads and events work?

City services

Go to all hospitals, doctors, dentists etc and everybody that is related to city services in your region and ask for a business card or simply ask for a contact number and /or email. Check the name and location and add it to the page. You will see the instructions when you go with your login to "create a city service" Its easy!

I have done that for Puerto galera. It tooks me a half day to go around by scooter and collect all the information, and another half day to add it on the Parrot page.

Business index

Go to the businesses in your location and show them the business index from the "Parrot Puerto galera" page (the index will be filled soon). as a showcase. Register to the business index is free! And because business owners can add text, pictures and videos, it can be used as a free business presentation!

From there it's a easy step to get a banner ad. Banner ads are linked to the business presentation in the business index. The presentation will show up if somebody click the banner ad.

As more businesses you have registered, as higher the chance to sell banner ads and you will generate more money!

Classified ads

Go around your location and check where people put there ads like room for rent, bike for sale, looking for a maid etc. Mostly they stick it to a wall or in a restaurant / bar or supermarket. Try to contact them and explain that they can place classified ads with 1 picture for free on the Parrot page. After a while, when your community realizes how easy it is to advertise for free on the Parrot, it will work automatically. Don't forget, classified ads bring traffic. More traffic, more money for you!

(City) Events

If you hear or read about a event in your region, then try to get a digital banner from this event and ad it to the events calendar. Or connect with your city hall to stay informed about future events. Or just tell us about and we will add it to the city events in your region.

We will provide you with free stickers, flyers and any kind of support.

Interested? Contact us