Weather forecast
Selected city: Makati (Metro Manila)
broken clouds

Makati (Metro Manila)

Status at Saturday the 15th of February 2025 at 20:00
The weather station is located in Makati City
broken clouds Current status : broken clouds

feels like
feels like 27°C
wind speed
1 km/h
wind direction
atmospheric pressure
1010 millibar
85% humidity
Cloud coverage
75% cloud coverage
Sunrise : 06:02
Sunset : 18:02

Weather forecast for 3 days with a 3 hours interval

Forecast for Sunday 16/02/2025 at 05:00
few clouds
few clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1011 millibar
87% humidity
Cloud coverage
22% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.1 km/h
109° direction
temperature night temperature
26.3°C max
25.4°C min
feels like 26.3°C
day temperature
26.3°C average
Forecast for Sunday 16/02/2025 at 08:00
few clouds
few clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1012 millibar
84% humidity
Cloud coverage
21% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.1 km/h
101° direction
temperature night temperature
26.3°C max
26.1°C min
feels like 26.3°C
day temperature
26.3°C average
Forecast for Sunday 16/02/2025 at 11:00
scattered clouds
scattered clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1012 millibar
72% humidity
Cloud coverage
25% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.0 km/h
132° direction
temperature night temperature
29.3°C max
28.3°C min
feels like 31.6°C
day temperature
28.3°C average
Forecast for Sunday 16/02/2025 at 14:00
scattered clouds
scattered clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1010 millibar
57% humidity
Cloud coverage
37% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.8 km/h
132° direction
temperature night temperature
31.3°C max
31.3°C min
feels like 34.6°C
day temperature
31.3°C average
Forecast for Sunday 16/02/2025 at 17:00
broken clouds
broken clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1010 millibar
59% humidity
Cloud coverage
61% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
3.7 km/h
121° direction
temperature night temperature
30.5°C max
30.5°C min
feels like 33.6°C
day temperature
30.5°C average
Forecast for Sunday 16/02/2025 at 20:00
scattered clouds
scattered clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1012 millibar
74% humidity
Cloud coverage
42% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
4.5 km/h
125° direction
temperature night temperature
28.0°C max
28.0°C min
feels like 31.2°C
day temperature
28.0°C average
Forecast for Sunday 16/02/2025 at 23:00
light rain
light rain
atmospheric pressure humidity
1013 millibar
81% humidity
Cloud coverage
5% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
3.5 km/h
121° direction
temperature night temperature
26.7°C max
26.7°C min
feels like 26.7°C
day temperature
26.7°C average
Forecast for Monday 17/02/2025 at 02:00
clear sky
clear sky
atmospheric pressure humidity
1012 millibar
80% humidity
Cloud coverage
3% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
1.3 km/h
68° direction
temperature night temperature
25.9°C max
25.9°C min
feels like 26.7°C
day temperature
25.9°C average
Forecast for Monday 17/02/2025 at 05:00
clear sky
clear sky
atmospheric pressure humidity
1012 millibar
79% humidity
Cloud coverage
0% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
1.3 km/h
87° direction
temperature night temperature
25.5°C max
25.5°C min
feels like 26.2°C
day temperature
25.5°C average
Forecast for Monday 17/02/2025 at 08:00
clear sky
clear sky
atmospheric pressure humidity
1014 millibar
76% humidity
Cloud coverage
0% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.0 km/h
101° direction
temperature night temperature
26.2°C max
26.2°C min
feels like 26.2°C
day temperature
26.2°C average
Forecast for Monday 17/02/2025 at 11:00
clear sky
clear sky
atmospheric pressure humidity
1014 millibar
62% humidity
Cloud coverage
6% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
1.5 km/h
142° direction
temperature night temperature
29.7°C max
29.7°C min
feels like 32.7°C
day temperature
29.7°C average
Forecast for Monday 17/02/2025 at 14:00
few clouds
few clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1011 millibar
59% humidity
Cloud coverage
17% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
4.8 km/h
137° direction
temperature night temperature
30.9°C max
30.9°C min
feels like 34.5°C
day temperature
30.9°C average
Forecast for Monday 17/02/2025 at 17:00
light rain
light rain
atmospheric pressure humidity
1011 millibar
63% humidity
Cloud coverage
30% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
5.2 km/h
104° direction
temperature night temperature
30.1°C max
30.1°C min
feels like 33.6°C
day temperature
30.1°C average
Forecast for Monday 17/02/2025 at 20:00
few clouds
few clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1014 millibar
72% humidity
Cloud coverage
19% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
5.6 km/h
108° direction
temperature night temperature
27.3°C max
27.3°C min
feels like 29.6°C
day temperature
27.3°C average
Forecast for Monday 17/02/2025 at 23:00
clear sky
clear sky
atmospheric pressure humidity
1014 millibar
75% humidity
Cloud coverage
7% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
4.1 km/h
102° direction
temperature night temperature
26.1°C max
26.1°C min
feels like 26.1°C
day temperature
26.1°C average
Forecast for Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 02:00
few clouds
few clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1013 millibar
76% humidity
Cloud coverage
11% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.6 km/h
84° direction
temperature night temperature
25.5°C max
25.5°C min
feels like 26.1°C
day temperature
25.5°C average
Forecast for Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 05:00
few clouds
few clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1013 millibar
78% humidity
Cloud coverage
14% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
1.9 km/h
68° direction
temperature night temperature
24.9°C max
24.9°C min
feels like 25.5°C
day temperature
24.9°C average
Forecast for Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 08:00
few clouds
few clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1014 millibar
73% humidity
Cloud coverage
12% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.3 km/h
85° direction
temperature night temperature
26.0°C max
26.0°C min
feels like 26.0°C
day temperature
26.0°C average
Forecast for Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 11:00
few clouds
few clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1013 millibar
61% humidity
Cloud coverage
24% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.5 km/h
99° direction
temperature night temperature
29.6°C max
29.6°C min
feels like 32.2°C
day temperature
29.6°C average
Forecast for Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 14:00
light rain
light rain
atmospheric pressure humidity
1011 millibar
60% humidity
Cloud coverage
53% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
3.1 km/h
103° direction
temperature night temperature
30.1°C max
30.1°C min
feels like 33.0°C
day temperature
30.1°C average
Forecast for Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 17:00
light rain
light rain
atmospheric pressure humidity
1011 millibar
62% humidity
Cloud coverage
70% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
5.9 km/h
98° direction
temperature night temperature
29.2°C max
29.2°C min
feels like 31.7°C
day temperature
29.2°C average
Forecast for Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 20:00
scattered clouds
scattered clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1013 millibar
71% humidity
Cloud coverage
43% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
5.2 km/h
103° direction
temperature night temperature
26.7°C max
26.7°C min
feels like 28.4°C
day temperature
26.7°C average
Forecast for Tuesday 18/02/2025 at 23:00
broken clouds
broken clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1014 millibar
73% humidity
Cloud coverage
82% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
3.5 km/h
90° direction
temperature night temperature
25.9°C max
25.9°C min
feels like 26.5°C
day temperature
25.9°C average
Forecast for Wednesday 19/02/2025 at 02:00
broken clouds
broken clouds
atmospheric pressure humidity
1013 millibar
74% humidity
Cloud coverage
55% cloud coverage
wind speed and direction wind direction
2.3 km/h
63° direction
temperature night temperature
25.2°C max
25.2°C min
feels like 25.8°C
day temperature
25.2°C average