Burnham Suites Hotel
There are a hundred reasons to stay and linger in Baguio City. Apart from its cool and stimulating weather, local and foreign vacationers are constantly going back because of the city’s exclusive treats that practically range from fresh strawberries to flea markets. And what else would complete your ideal out-of-town vacation than to be close to everything in the City of Pines.
Adjacent to the dynamic surrounding of Burnham Park and bustling stretch of Kisad Road, Baguio Burnham Suites Hotel secures you of comfort, privacy, and essentials at the alluring center of Baguio City.
In here, you are constantly treated to spacious accommodations equipped with state-of-the-art amenities, healthy and sumptuous restaurant dishes, efficient event facilities, and expedient location to banks, shops and numerous commercial centers.
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| | - Wooden/parqueted flooring