Fishing the Philippines 9 T-T

Categories: Documentary, Sport
Tags: Lures, Tactics, fishing

Category Archives: Trevally (Talakitok)

Yellow Spotted Trevally ( Carangoides fulvoguttatus )

trevally fishing cebu

Emmanuel’s 1.2kg Goldspot Trevally caught in Cebu

Common Name:    Trevally, Kingfish, Jack, Tarrum

Local Name:  Talakitok  (Tagalog);  Mamsa, Subad-subad (Cebuano)

Max Size:  120 cm (18 kgs)

Biodiversity: Marine, Brackish, Reef Associated

Depth:  Surface  – 100 m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:   None

Recommended Bait/Lures:  small minnow lures, flies, and shrimp, crabs, squid

IUCN Red List Status:  Not Evaluated (NE)

This is a species of trevally found around the islands that can be distinguished by its golden colored spots.  This species like other trevally species can be found alone or in schools often patrolling the edge of reefs, rocks or grass beds.  They can grow quite large however the majority of these fish caught here tend to be around 1kg in size.  Anglers are likely to catch one of these trevallys when casting lures from the shore off rocks or beaches near reefs.

Like most trevally species these fish make great table fare.  They taste great when cooked a variety of ways including; grilled, deep friend, or cooked in one of many local saucy recipes.

trevally species philippines

Wayne’s Yellow Spotted Trevally from Romblon

Silver Pompano ( Trachinotus baillonii )

Trachinotus baillonii

Expert Angler and Fishing Guide Joseph G. with his Dart caught on Grande Is. in Subic.

Common Name:    Pompano, Dart, Swallowtail

Local Name:  Pampano, Salay-salay, Talakitok  (Tagalog);  Uruk (Cebuano)

Max Size:  60 cm (1.5 kgs)

Biodiversity: Marine, Brackish, Reef Associated

Depth:  Surface  – ?? m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:   None

Recommended Bait/Lures:  small minnow lures, flies, and shrimp

IUCN Red List Status:  Not Evaluated (NE)

This species of Pompano is a member of the Carangidae family of jacks and pompanos.  It is found around the Philippines often close to shore near reefs, lagoons, and along sandy beaches.  These fish travel in pairs or small groups and often feed near the surface on small fish.

Like other jacks and pompanos this species makes great table fare.  The elongated shape of this species along with its small spots on the sides help identify the fish.

Joseph caught the fish above on a small lure while casting from Grande Island near Subic.

Amberjack ( Seriola dumerili )

deepwater jigging philippines

Nino’s 7.55kg amberjack caught jigging

Common Name:   Amberjack, Yellowtail, Rock Salmon

Local Name:   Talakitok, Tonto (Tagalog);  Marang, Dorado  (Cebuano)

Max Size:  190 cm (80.2kgs)

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated

Depth:  1 – 360 m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:  18 inches

Recommended Bait/Lures:  Fish, Squid, Jigs

IUCN Red List Status:  Not Evaluated (NE)

This is one of the primary targets of deep water fishermen in the Philippines, these fish are plentiful around the country though they are somewhat difficult to target because of the depth they are usually found.  Sport fishermen target them with heavy deepwater jigs while the traditional way to catch these involves using a large stone as a weight.

amberjack philippines

Ram’s 7kg Amberjack caught jigging

Diamond Trevally ( Alectis indica )

Alectis indica

Common Name: Indian Threadfish

Local Name: Talakitok (Tagalog), Mamsa, Salmin Salmin (Cebuano)

Max Size:  165 cm ( 25 kgs )

Biodiversity: Marine, Brackish, Reef Associated, Endemic

Depth: 20 – 100m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

This is another species of trevally that can be found in coastal waters here in the Philippines.  It is distinguished by its odd angular body and shiny appearance.  These fish are often found in schools over coral reefs and feed mainly on fish, squid and crustaceans.  The fish in the picture above was caught by Mr. Archival on live shrimp at the Marcelo Fernan Bridge in Mandaue, Cebu.

trevally species philippines

Diamond Trevally caught in Dumaguete

Bigeye Trevally ( Caranx sexfasciatus )



Common Name: Jack, Trevally, Bigeye,

Local Name: Talakitok (Tagalog), Mahinlo (Cebuano)

Max Size:  120 cm (commonly 60 cm)

Biodiversity: Marine, Brackish, Freshwater, Reef Associated, Endemic,

Depth: 0 – 146 meters

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

This is a species that can be found all over the islands.  This fish is also known as Bigeye Jack or Dusky Jack in English, Talakitok in Tagalog, and Mahinlo in Cebuano.  It can grow up to 18kgs though it is more common to  catch the smaller juveniles around reefs and estuaries.  These fish school and so are great fun to catch in numbers when they are feeding.  This species is know to feed primarily at night or at dawn or dusk.  They can be taken on a variety of lures and bait .  For lures, choose something that mimics an injured fish or shrimp, and for bait live shrimp works well.

The fish pictured above was one of two bigeyes caught on Shell Island, Cebu while fishing a Rapala X-Rap 10.

Caranx sexfasciatus

Island Trevally ( Carangoides orthogrammus )


Common Name: Yellow Spotted Trevally, Island Jack, Thicklip Trevally, False Bluefin Trevally

Local Name: Talakitok (Tagalog), Mamsa (Bisaya)

Max Size:  75 cm ( 6.6 kgs )

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef Associated, Endemic, Oceanodromous

Depth:  3 – 170 m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit: 10 inches

Here is a Trevally or Talakitok (known in Bisaya as Mamsa) caught by Sharptooth while fishing live shrimp on the bottom.  This is another example of the variety of trevally species which can be caught here in the Philippines.

Giant Trevally ( Caranx ignobilis )

Giant Trevally Fishing

Good Sized GT caught in Cebu City

Common Name: GT, Giant Trevally, 

Local Name:  Talakitok (Tagalog), Mamsa (Cebuano)

Max Size:  170 cm (80 kgs)

Biodiversity: Marine, Brackish, Freshwater, Reef Associated, Endemic,

Depth: 0 –100 meters

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

This species also known as GT, is common through out the country.  In Filipino this species is called Talakitok and the Bisaya speaking people call these fish Mamsa.  It is the largest of the Trevally species growing to a maximum weight of around 80kgs.  Juveniles can be caught a variety of places from reefs, to estuaries, sandy bottom shorelines. The larger adults are more common around deeper reefs, atolls or sea walls.  This species can also be caught in Lake Taal in Batangas which was once connected to the ocean via a river.

Angler target these species in a variety of ways which include trolling, bottom fishing, jigging, popping and even bait fishing.  The fish in the picture below is a nice GT caught by Biboy in Palawan while Popping.

Caranx ignobilis

Popping for GT in Palawan

The larger GT are quite powerful and can quite easily destroy fishing gear that is not up for the challenge.  For anglers targeting this species be sure you are using the right gear for the job.

The Taal Lake GT Featured on the Philippine 50 Peso Bill

The Taal Lake GT Featured on the Philippine 50 Peso Bill

In recent years the Bankgo Sentral Ng Pilipinas (Central Bank of the Philippines) has featured the Giant Trevally of Lake Taal on their 50 Peso Bill.  This is part of the move to highlight unique flora, fauna, and geographic features of the Philippines in efforts to conserve and increase public awareness.  Hopefully the unique freshwater GT of Taal will remain a permanent feature of the lake’s ecosystem.

Longrakered Trevally ( Ulua mentalis )

Talakitok Subic fishing

Serbi’s Talakitok From Subic

Common Name:   Jack, Trevally, Kingfish,

Local Name:   Talakitok, Piaka (Tagalog),  Samin-Samin, Talakitok (Cebuano)

Max Size:   100 cm

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated,

Depth:  1 – 50+ m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:  None

Recommended Bait:  Shrimp, Fish, Squid;

IUCN Red List Status:  Not Evaluated (NE)

Here is a Longrakered Trevally or Cale Trevally caught by Serbi near Subic Bay while trolling some Rapalas.  This is one of many species of fish known here in the Philippines as Talakitok (in Tagalog) or Mamsa (in Cebuano).  These fish patrol reef edges all over around the country.

Shadow Trevally ( Carangoides dinema )

Carangoides dinema

JR’s Talakitok from Laiya

Here is a nice sized Talakitok or trevally caught by JR in Laiya, Batangas while fishing with renowned captain and fisherman Mang Roger.  Trevally are normally caught around the reefs of Laiya on live shrimp.  I believe this is a shadow trevally.  This is one of the many species of reef associated fish that can be caught here in the Philippines.

Navotas Mamale Fishing

A popular place to fish near Manila which I have not yet had the privilege of trying is Navotas.  It located north of Manila on Manila Bay and it is a popular destination for anglers search for such species as Threadfin Salmon (mamale), Trevally or Jacks (talakitok), Oxeye Tarpon ( ), Ladyfish (bid bid), and many other species.   Below are some of the fish caught by Myke during a recent trip there:

Navotas Fishing

Myke’s Navotas Haul

For anglers interested in fishing Navotas check out the link here to the Navotas Anglers Facebook page.  You can see recent pictures of fish caught, connect with other anglers that fish Navotas and even plan a trip.  Look for “Syark” in the group as he organizes the Navotas boatmen.

From what I hear angler who frequent these waters have good luck with skip bunnies/hairclips, spoons, poppers, and other lures.  Please feel free to email me to add info if you know more about Navotas fishing.  I have not yet done it as we have transferred back to Cebu now, so any additional info I can put up here is appreciated.

Category Archives: Triggerfish (Papakol)

Starry Triggerfish ( Abalistes stellatus )

starry triggerfish

Common Name: Triggerfish

Local Name: Papakol, Pakoy (Tagalog); Pugot, Tikos, Pakol (Bisaya)

Max Size: 60 cm

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated

Depth: 40 – 100 meters

Fishing Season: All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit: None

Recommended Bait/Lures: Shrimp, crabs, other small crustaceans, sand worms

IUCN Red List Status Status: Not Evaluated (NE)

The Starry Triggerfish is yet another beautifully patterned triggerfish species found around the Philippines.  This species is common around sandy and muddy bottoms along the coast as well as around reefs.  These fish like other species of trigger fish make a good meal once you peal away their thick skin.  The beautiful pattern on this species also makes it appealing as an aquarium fish.

This fish pictured above was caught by Steve while jigging around Cebu City.

Clown Triggerfish ( Balistoides conspicillum )

Clown Triggerfish Common Name: Triggerfish ( Scimitar, Lei, Scythe, White-lined)

Local Name: Papakol, Pakoy (Tagalog); Pugot, Tikos (Bisaya)

Max Size: 50 cm

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated

Depth: 3 – 75 meters

Fishing Season: All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit: None

Recommended Bait/Lures: Shrimp, crabs, other small crustaceans, sand worms

IUCN Red List Status Status: Least Concern

The Clown Triggerfish is another of the brightly colored trigger fish species that can be found around the islands.  These fish are generally small and are caught by angler who are targeting other reef fish. This particular species is prized as an aquarium fish because of its beautiful coloration and patterns.  

Boomerang Triggerfish ( Sufflamen bursa )

boomerang triggerfish

Common Name:  Triggerfish ( Scimitar, Lei, Scythe, White-lined)

Local Name: Papakol, Pakoy (Tagalog); Pugot, Tikos (Bisaya)

Max Size:   25 cm

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated

Depth:  3 – 90 meters

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:  None

Recommended Bait/Lures:  Shrimp, crabs, other small crustaceans, sand worms

IUCN Red List Status Status:  Least Concern

This is yet another of the many small species of triggerfish found around the Philippines.  This species can be identified by the boomerang shaped markings over the eyes along with a fairly plain colored body.  Notice the stunning blue eye shadow like color over this fish’s eye.

Like most triggerfish the boomerang is oddly shaped and has a thick leather-like skin.  The make good eating once this skin is removed.  This particular species has quite a depth range in which it can be caught from shallow water all the way to 90 meters.  Angler’s are most likely to catch these when using small baits like shrimp or squid on small hooks.  These are one of the many species of small fish that can be a bother fishermen who are using large bait for larger fish.  The small triggerfish with strong jaws and sharp teeth can cut larger baits to pieces while  evading the hooks.

The triggerfish in the picture above was caught on small pieces of shrimp off Mactan Island in Cebu in around 50 meters of water.

Yellowmargin Triggerfish ( Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus )

Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus

Triggerfish caught in Batangas

Common Name:  Triggerfish

Local Name: Papakol (Tagalog); Pakol (Bisaya)

Max Size:   60 cm

Biodiversity: Saltwater, Reef associated

Depth:  2 – 50 meters

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:  None

Recommended Bait/Lures:  shrimp, crabs, shellfish or squid

IUCN Red List Status Status:  Not Evaluated (NE)

Blackbelly Triggerfish ( Rhinecanthus verrucosus )

Rhinecanthus verrucosus

Blackbelly Triggerfish caught off of Mactan Island.

Common Name:  Triggerfish

Local Name: Papakol (Tagalog); Pakol (Bisaya)

Max Size:   20 cm

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated

Depth:  1 – 20 meters

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:  None

Recommended Bait/Lures:  Shrimp, crabs, other small crustaceans, sand worms

IUCN Red List Status Status:  Least Concern

This small species of triggerfish is often miss identified as Picaso Triggerfish which it closely resembles.  The large dark patch located towards its tail however is the distinguishing feature that separates it from its artistic relative.  These are relatively small and so require small hooks and pieces of bait to catch.  This species along with other small triggerfish species are notorious for picking apart large well presented baits and frustrating angler who are after larger fish.


Bridled Triggerfish ( Sufflamen fraenatum )

Bridled Triggerfish

Deep Sea Triggerfish caught in Cebu

Common Name:  Triggerfish

Local Name: Papakol (Tagalog); Pakol (Bisaya)

Max Size:   38 cm  (commonly 26 cm)

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated, Oceanodromous,

Depth: 8-186 meters

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:  None

Recommended Bait/Lures:  Shrimp, crabs, other small crustaceans, sandworms

IUCN Red List Status Status:  Least Concern

Here is a fish caught deep sea fishing in Cebu on shrimp.  This was caught at around 100-150m of depth. These odd looking fish put up quite a fight and make up for their usually small size.  These fish do not appear to be good to eat however they do taste quite good once you get through their leathery thick skin.  Be careful of the mouth on these little guys which is small but armed with shell crushing teeth.  Triggerfish are known in the scuba diving community to occasionally bite divers.

Orange-Lined Triggerfish ( Balistapus undulatus )

Balistapus undulatus

Common Name:  Triggerfish

Local Name: Papakol (Tagalog)

Max Size:   30 cm  (commonly 26 cm)

Biodiversity: Marine, Reef-Associated, Endemic

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Caught by Julian on his first 24 hour liberty after 4 months of boot camp.

Many species of triggerfish inhabit the waters here.  Once such fish is the Orange-Lined Triggerfish.  These are a relatively small species of triggerfish growing up to about 30cm.

triggerfish species philippines

Triggerfish caught in Cebu

Category Archives: Tripletail

Tripletail ( Lobotes surinamensis )

Lobotes surinamensis

Common Name: Tripletail

Local Name: Tilapiang Dagat (Tagalog), Gingao, Ligad (Cebuano)

Max Size:  110 cm ( 19.2 kgs )

Biodiversity: Marine, Brackish, Benthopelagic, Oceanodromous,  Endemic

Depth: 1 – 70m

Fishing Season:  All Year Long

Minimum Size Limit:  15 inches

The fish in these pictures were caught off Dumaguete, Negros Oriental around FADs (fish aggregating devices) or buoys.  These fish can be caught along the coast as well.  Yet another one of the many game fish species that can be caught here .

dumaguete tripletail

Published on : 22/05/2017 by puertoparrot

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