Lentil Longganisa Soup

Categories: Filipino cooking
Tags: soup

Lentil Longganisa Soup

Rene Astudillo

Lentil Longganisa Soup (Photo by Rene Astudillo)

Lentil Longganisa Soup (Photo by Rene Astudillo)

What does a healthy cup of soup and Filipino longganisa (sausage) have in common? Nothing. But it doesn’t mean they can’t go together in your kitchen cooking.

For this recipe, I thought of adding some longganisa to my lentil soup just as a matter of experiement, and I’m glad I did. The soup was super delicious comforting (you know, as in longganisa comfort food).

This opens up tons of possibilities on what else can go with a warm and healthy lentil soup. Other than the crispy fried Parmesan cheese of course!


3 pcs. pork longganisa, taken out of the casings

2 cups lentils

4 cloves garlic, peeled and crushed

1/2 medium onion, diced

1/2  cup diced carrots

1/2 cup thinly sliced celery

3 cups chicken broth

1/2 cup chopped tomatoes

1 cup baby spinach

1 tbsp vinegar

salt and pepper to taste

A dash of turmeric

1 tbsp Olive oil


Heat Olive oil in a medium pan or wok. Add garlic and saute till golden brown.  Add onions and cook till tender. Add longganisa and stir-fry for two minutes. Add carrots and celery and continue cooking for about two minutes. Add chicken broth and tomatoes and bring to a quick boil. Add lentils.  Add vinegar, turmeric and salt and pepper to taste. Reduce heat and let simmer until lentils are tender and done. Add spinach and turn off heat.  Serve warm with a slice of bread, cracker or in my case, a piece of crispy fried Parmesan cheese.

Published on : 13/03/2018 by puertoparrot

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